


Positive Aspect

With this quarantine, my family and I have been able to clean up and organize a lot of our household items. Our house has gotten pretty cluttered and messy throughout the years and with us having a lot more time on our hands we've been able to get at things we've put off in the past accomplished. Most recently we have cleaned out our kitchen and organized our cabinets. We plan to clean up our bonus room next but honestly who knows if that's going to happen.

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Lifestyle Changes

Day 9 in quarantine... I haven't gone out much with my friends... I still go outside to catch some sun and play with my dog because his energy is so high during this outbreak. I'm usually pretty social so not seeing my friends all the time has been an adjustment but I like my alone time. I must admit which is probably a little gross but I'm washing my hands more with soap and water. I always have in the past but now its constantly on my mind and I'm always trying to wash my hands which is new for me. I have gone and played frisbee golf because its free and real golf with my friends but we try and practice social distancing and not touch each other. Apart from those excursions I've kept to myself in my house and have tried to limit all contact with outside things as possible. Most of my days consist of me playing my Xbox with my brother. We have both bought a couple new games to keep us entertained during these long boring days. Netflix is getting its moneys worth...

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